New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone!  I am not a fan of New Years resolutions. The problem with once a year goals is that there is nothing backing it.  You have no incentive to stick with it and follow it through.  Working in a fitness facility I see this every year.  The first week of January we suddenly have a huge increase in guests.  By the end of January the numbers start to dwindle and by mid-february they are all gone and we are back to our regular guests. If you are dead set on making that resolution (or since it is now January 6th if you already have made a resolution) have a plan.  If you sign up for a registered program, there is more incentive to go because you don't want to waste your hard earned money.  Signing up with a friend is a good idea as well.  You can push each other to get off your butts and get to class and it is a good incentive knowing that your friend will be there and you don't want to let them down.  Some fitness instructors don't allow talking in their classes but I know that for a lot of people it is the social aspect of a class setting that keeps them coming back.  Look into the instrucors of the classes you are interested in and make sure that you will be comfortable with their methods.  You should be setting new goals throughout the year and writing them down in a visible place where you can see them often.  Crossing goals off on that list feels great but you need to have new ones to add once the old ones are achieved.  So don't just stick to a once a year promise, set goals all year long and strive to do your absolute best!  Good luck, I have to get to class.


  1. It's an odd one, isn't it? You get so gung-ho with the whole newness of the year, the opportunity that's going to knock, the clean slate, and it seems like there's this huge open door just waiting for you to step through... and then by week three you look up and realize you're still living in the exact same world last year closed out on. Sometimes I think New Years Resolutions are almost depressing simply because of that huge contrast when life bops you one upside the head and laughs in your face. It's not the resolution, it's the alteration of the routine that kills things. If you had a gaping hole in your schedule to add more gym time to, you wouldn't have waited until New Years to try to MAKE a gaping hole in your schedule, right? And when the laundry hasn't been done for the second week in a row, the dog looks homeless because you haven't touched him with a brush since Christmas, and you realize the kids have been alternating between KD and soup and grilled cheese for the last week because you've been taking an hour at the gym, something has to give... and it's usually the resolution because you'd prioritized everything already long before you tried to change it up. They should be called New Years Restructuring Programs. Maybe they'd stick better?


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