Q & A About Paleo

Since I started eating a Paleo Diet I have had to answer many, many questions and I am beginning to sound like a broken record.  I have also had supposed "well wishing" relatives attack my lifestyle without provocation.  I decided to put down some of the more common questions and arguments in text so that the next time someone asks I can direct them here rather than explaining the same thing once again.                                                                     

Q.  What is Paleo Nutrition?
A.  It is eating the way that our Paleolithic ancestors did. It can also be called a 'hunter,gatherer diet'. One of the main rules is no grains, the proteins in them wreak havoc with our bodies. Our ancestors did not have access to grains as they can not be consumed without a large amount of processing. Corn, rice, legumes and dairy are not allowed either as the proteins they contain are similar to those found in grains and can cause similar problems.

Q.  What about Cholesterol, I've heard for years that we shouldn't eat too many eggs or egg yolks because of high cholesterol.
A.  First of all, if you are an active person and exercise regularly, a couple of eggs a day are ok.  Don't avoid the yolks because that is where all the nutrients are.  The white is mostly protein which is good but the yolk contains essential fatty acids, vitamins such as A,E,D and K along with Iron and Calcium to name a few. Now we all know about HDL and LDL, the supposed good and bad cholesterol's. The idea is that the LDL carries fat and cholesterol from your liver to other parts of your body to be used as fuel and for building cells whereas HDL carries cholesterol back to the liver.  That is all true but it is not that simple.  Just because the LDL takes cholesterol around the body and deposits it doesn't mean it is bad.  Your body uses cholesterol in it's every day functions. There are two types of LDL, one is useful in delivering fatty acids and cholesterol as needed.  The other one is a small, dense form of LDL that can cause damage to your arteries.  That is the kind you want to avoid.  Where does that kind of LDL come from you ask?  It is a byproduct of a diet high in carbohydrate, not from consuming animal products.

Q.  I spoke with a dietitian and he said that Paleo is good for a short time to loose weight but our bodies need grains to provide carbohydrate for fuel.
A.  Our bodies do not need grains. The genetic blueprint of modern man and his Paleolithic ancestor are the same. If he didn't need grains to survive then why do we?  Our bodies can burn fat for fuel and don't forget that veggies and fruit are also sources of carbohydrate.

Q.  But my father-in-law is 93 years old and he has been eating grains all his life, besides I feel fine, why would I change anything?
A.  Your father-in-law may be 93 years old but is he completely healthy?  Is he shuffling around in a bathrobe in a retirement home or is he still in his own home taking care of himself? And you, you may not be sick but if you change your diet to Paleo for just 30 days you will notice a difference in how you are feeling and in your performance, trust me. It is one month out of your very long life and I am quite confident that after 30 days you will notice a distinct difference in how you feel and perform when you try to introduce some Neolithic foods back into your diet.  Almost everyone that I know experiences some sort of discomfort after eating.  They have just become so accustomed to it that they no longer pay attention. It is NOT normal to feel bloated or overly full after eating, it is NOT normal to go an entire day or more without having a BM.  The gas caused by beans and other foods is because of a gut irritation, it is NOT just a harmless side effect. 

Q.  But eating healthy is more expensive, I can buy a McDonald's cheeseburger for cheaper than an apple.
A.  First of all, a McDonald's cheeseburger is not real food so it doesn't even belong in the same category as an apple, please don't insult the poor apple that way.  What did it ever do to you?  Secondly, that is not true. Organic food is more expensive but you can buy a whole bag of apples for $1.29 and scrub off any chemicals or pesticides or peel it first. At least it is real food.  Buy a roast and a cabbage, yes they cost more than that one cheeseburger but the individual meal cost is way less and you get more on your plate. Plus real food is more filling than cardboard and it doesn't leave you feeling like garbage. Do your homework, read the grocery flyers, use coupons and buy what is in season.  If it doesn't have to be shipped from overseas it will cost less because you are not paying for transport. In the  summer, grow your own fruits and veggies - cheaper yet and much better.

Q.  But I don't know any recipes and I won't be able to convince my family to eat it if it is just plain and bland. Healthy food has no flavor.
A.  There are lots of websites and blogs out there with recipes and just because it isn't processed doesn't mean it has no flavor. After a few days without salt you realize that your food actually tastes good on it's own and that each individual thing has it's own flavour if it doesn't all just taste like salt.  Combining different flavours gives wonderful results and herbs and spices are your friends. Look up some recipes and experiment with different combinations, you will discover some really wonderful meals. 

Q. I need calcium for my bones and teeth so I can't cut out milk, that's just dangerous.
A.  Milk isn't the only thing that gives you calcium, in our discussion about cholesterol we learned that egg yolks contain calcium as do other meats and dark green vegetables. Magnesium also contributes to bone health and you find that in nuts, seeds, fish and avocado.  Magnesium is an important factor in the absorption of vitamin D which needs to be present in order for your body to absorb calcium. Lastly and very important you need to do some sort of resistance training to build bone density.  A lot of people cut back on resistance training as they age when in reality they should be increasing the amount or keeping it the same depending on how much they currently do. I had a doc tell me once that at my age I should not be training with weights, it would kill me and I should stick with safer resistance such as bands. I left that appointment absolutely livid. At my age?!  I am 36, are the Weider brothers or Jack LaLanne not proof enough that weight training is good for you?  Don't get me wrong, I am not against resistance bands as part of a well rounded program but they should not be your only form of resistance unless you never intend to lift anything again. That box of meat from the butcher, he'll carry it out for you, the bag of dog food, the kids will get it, your small child, niece, nephew, grandchild, phht, they don't need to be picked up, they need to learn to fend for themselves at some point right? But I got a bit carried away with my rant there. What you should take away from this is that calcium is not the only way to build and sustain bone density and that it doesn't just come in the form of dairy products or supplements.

Q.  It sounds like a lot of work and planning to make sure that you are getting the proper nutrients that our bodies need.
A.  Yes it is but no more than you should already be doing.  If you just coast along, blissfully ignorant and just eating whatever you feel like, whenever you like, you are not as healthy as you should be and you are not getting all of the vitamins and minerals that you need. Supplements are not necessarily the way to go either.  Calcium supplements for example have been linked to those nasty deposits (of calcium-go figure) that plug up your arteries. 

Q.  Where do I go to buy my food from?
A.  Some grocery stores are starting to carry better options such as organic meats and produce.  Your local butcher is probably a good guy to make friends with as he can most likely get his hands on local, free range, grass fed meats and eggs. Your local Farmer's Market is also an excellent place to find locally grown foods. (Tip: if you go later in the day, the selection is not as good but the vendors are more likely to drop their price so they don't have to cart their goods back home with them.)


The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet

The Paleo Diet for Athletes: A Nutritional Formula for Peak Athletic Performance


  1. http://www.health-bent.com/

    Our favourite dirty hippy recipe site.


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